
Computer Science Department: L3 year

The Foundations of Computer Science curriculum from ENS de Lyon starts with the L3 year (i.e., last year of Bachelor).


The courses offered in L3 are listed below. Those courses are given in French. Students can also follow:

  • Non-specialist courses offered by ENS de Lyon;
  • Courses from UCBL Lyon 1 in computer bachelor (licence), see here ;
  • Courses offered by the other departments of ENS de Lyon (mathematics, physic, biology, etc.), the CS and Maths L3 schedules are synchronized so that some courses offer by one department can be followed by the students of the other department; 
  • The student seminar SIESTE.


If you want to contact a professor, contact information is provided here.

The Mathematics L3 from UCBL Lyon 1 may be followed at the same time as the Computer Science L3 hosted at ENS de Lyon, to get both Licence diplomas.

Independently, the courses offered by the Mathematics department of ENS de Lyon can be followed.

To obtain the Computer Science L3 degree, the student must validate 60 (ECTS) credits with at least 3 units « Cours de Base en Informatique » for each semester, « Projet 1 Programmation », and at least one among « Projet 2 Programmation » and « Projet Concours ACM ».

Moreover, both English units (at the first and second semesters) are mandatory. They may be replaced by French for foreigners units, if English is the mother language.

The complete set of rules for the L3 is available in French on the right section documents.

Each computer science unit (UE) is worth 6 ECTS (credits), except the English units and « Projet 1 » which are worth 3 ECTS each. A « Cours de Base » (CB) consists of 32 hours of lectures and 32 hours of practice session (TD). « Projets » contain 32 hours in working groups and additional homeworks. Concerning the units offered by the others departements and the corresponding amounts of credits, students are invited to contact the relevant departements.

Year of study