This page presents the Long Research Project (LRP) for the Computer Science Department
Long Research Project (LRP) / Projet Long de Recherche (PLR)
LRP is a one-year research track within the ENS de Lyon diploma. It takes place most often in the fourth year of the dimploma, but can sometimes done in third year. The long research project is a thorough training in research. It consists of several long-term experiences that can take be done through internships or research stays, as well as a minimum volume of 200 hours of training, including 50 hours at least in class.
LRP involves at least two internships or research stays, which must be carried out in two different organizations and two different research laboratories or research environments.
The sum of internships are for a total duration of at least 8 months, among them at least 5 months are done outside of the Lyon-Saint-Etienne area. International mobility is strongly encouraged.
ENS Lyon organizes each year a 50-hour training for students in September. This training is an opportunity to address topics that are not very usual in disciplinary training, in relation with the practice of research. This training cycle consists of a 25-hour long course and several shorter interventions. Registration to a part of the cycle requires, at least, registration for the 25-hour long course. The cycle is validated based on attendance.
By exemption, the "Normalien" can choose to follow of an external training for all or a part of the 50h. Are then eligible in such training:
- master level courses given by one of the supervisory bodies of the host laboratory, if they are located outside the Lyon-Saint-Etienne area;
- research seminars followed in the host laboratory;
- Summer schools attended between July (the year before the LRP) to April (the year of the LRP).
The host responsible of the training must deliver an attendance certificate to the student. This document is mandatory for the final evaluation. Attendance certificat must be sent to diplome.ens-lyon [at] (diplome[dot]ens-lyon[at]ens-lyon[dot]fr) and to the professor in charge of LRP.
The internship agreements established for the LRP year describe the 50-hour course that will be followed. In case the "Normalien" wishes to use the "external training" option, a teaching contract is appended to the internship agreement, describing the courses followed in the host organization. The host organization must check the student attendance and provide a participation certificate.
No convention is established, and therefore no internship can start without description of the 50h course to follow.
Note that the 50h-hour course certificate is mandatory to validate the year. Attendance certificates must be sent to diplome.ens-lyon [at] (diplome[dot]ens-lyon[at]ens-lyon[dot]fr) and to the professor in charge of LRP.
The 150h are validated through various activities around the work done during the duration of the internships or research stays:
- write an internship report;
- In the form of a conference article (8 pages). If you have already written and / or submitted an article during the internship, it will also be your internship report.
- a short defense around the internship result;
- 30' videoconference with the professor in charge of LRP at the end of each internship.
- discussions with your ENS tutor during the internship;
- At mid-term you contact your tutor to discuss together. Your tutor sends an email to the professor in charge of LRP to validate this step.
Process and evaluation for the LPR
The validation of the PLR year supposes the validation of the two elements which constitute it, namely the 50h face-to-face training, and the internships or research stays as well as the remaining 150h of training.
Coming soon (see french version for the moment)
Coming soon (see french version for the moment)
Coming soon (see french version for the moment)
Coming soon (see french version for the moment)
Coming soon (see french version for the moment)
Must I do an internship abroad?
No it is not mandatory but it is very strongly recommended. Keep in your minds that it's mandatory for the DI diploma. At least 6 months must be done abroad during your studies.
Can I do an internship of more than 6 months in the same organization?
No, it's forbidden by law.
I would like to do a five-month internship in a CNRS laboratory in Sophia Antipolis and another five-month internship in a CNRS laboratory in Paris. Is it possible?
This is only possible if your employer is not twice the CNRS. Otherwise it would correspond to a 10-month internship at the CNRS (regardless of the location of the internship) which is forbidden.
Can I do two internships in two labs in the same city?
Yes only if it is not the same organization (University, CNRS, Inria, etc.) that offers the internship.
Can I do more than 2 internships?
Yes. Nevertheless beyond 3 internships the internship duration become quite unapropriate.
How long before the start of the internship do I have to complete the internship agreement?
Ideally 3 months before the beginning of the internship.
Where can I find the documents for the internship agreement application?
On this page in section Convention de stage PLR avec annexe Contrat pédagogique
Who's contact to complete the internship agreement?
You must contact the internship department: bureaudesstages.dip [at] (bureaudesstages[dot]dip[at]ens-lyon[dot]fr)
The host organization refuses the internship agreement and asks me to divest all my intellectual property. What should I do ?
Contact the person in charge of the LRP.
I attend a conference or workshop where I will present my work. Can I integrate it in the 50h?
No. Nevertheless you may be eligible for School credits as part of the diploma, upon advice from the department director. The article related to the presentation of your work will be provided to validate your credits.